Women Against Poverty

homeless woman

Disproportionate Burden

Women around the world face a disproportionate burden when it comes to poverty. Here’s a closer look at their struggles and some inspiring ways they’re fighting back

The Obstacles:

Gender Pay Gap

Women often earn less than men for the same work, limiting their financial resources.

Lack of Property Rights

In some cultures, women can't own land or property, hindering their ability to build wealth.

Limited Access to Education

Girls may be denied educational opportunities, restricting their future earning potential.

Unpaid Care Work

Women typically shoulder a greater burden of housework and childcare, leaving them with less time for paid work.


Societal biases can limit women's access to loans, markets, and business opportunities.

confident woman

The Fight Back

Despite these challenges, women are finding innovative ways to break free from poverty:

  • Micro-entrepreneurship: Many women are starting small businesses, often craft-based or food-related, with the help of microloans.
  • Collective Action: Forming cooperatives or women’s groups allows women to share resources, advocate for fair wages, and pool their bargaining power.
  • Education Initiatives: Programs promoting girls’ education and vocational training are equipping women with the skills they need to succeed.
  • Financial Literacy Programs: Learning to manage finances effectively helps women make the most of their limited resources.
  • Tech-enabled solutions: Mobile apps and online platforms can connect women with markets, resources, and financial services.

Examples of Women Fighting Poverty:

Self-Employed Artisans

Women are creating and selling handmade goods, providing income and preserving cultural traditions.

Community Organizers

Women are leading initiatives to improve access to healthcare, education, and sanitation in their communities.

Social Entrepreneurs

Women are creating businesses that not only generate income for themselves but also address social issues.

WEN will continue to Fight for Women’s Health.